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7 Cannabis Tips during COVID-19

Young beautiful woman smoking a cigarette sitting with flowers in Amsterdam city
Young beautiful woman smoking a cigarette sitting with flowers in Amsterdam city

How are you coping during the COVID-19 pandemic?


Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, people have been drinking more. A lot more! In fact, alcohol consumption increased 42% during a two-week period after shelter-in-place orders were put into effect on March 17.


As you can imagine, cannabis consumption is way up, too. From relying on marijuana for its medical benefits to taking a few hits at night to relax, cannabis no doubt is a great way to help adjust to our new not-so-normal lives.


Here are 7 tips to promote safe cannabis consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic based on recommendations by the National Cannabis Industry Association:


1. Bogart that joint! Yes, it’s okay, and encouraged, to bogart your own joint. This goes for pipes and vape pens, too. Sharing cannabis mouth-to-mouth is out of the picture for a while so get used to it.


2. Wash your hands before and after using cannabis. It’s a good practice because it keeps you and your product clean. This is especially true for those rolling and smoking joints. We’d all like to think our hands and the products we’re smoking are clean, but neither is probably 100% true 100% of the time.


california's cannabis edibles market3.  Consider switching to edibles. Since COVID-19 is known for infecting the lungs, choose a non-pulmonary method of cannabis for safer consumption. If you don’t want to quit smoking altogether, at least switch things up with a micro-dose mint or cookie, for example.


4. Group consumption is also out of the question. This means that 420 celebrations are canceled this year. We suggest creating your own 420 Party at home by going old-school, like making a pipe out of an apple, or a bong with tinfoil and a glass of water.


5. Buy your cannabis from licensed and regulated sources. There are many reasons this should be a priority. First, you want safe and tested products. But of equal importance, buying unlicensed products hurts small businesses that are already struggling to stay afloat.


6. Don’t spread false information about cannabis as a cure or treatment for COVID-19. There are lots of rumors swirling around the internet these days about cannabis compounds helping to minimize or protect users from the virus. This information is unproven and could be hurtful for those experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms.


7. If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms such as trouble breathing, fever, and confusion, please consult with a medical professional before consuming cannabis.


Green Dream Cannabis Tours is fully committed to educating the public about the health benefits and history of cannabis. Please join us on a fun and informative cannabis tour when tourism reopens in San Francisco.

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